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Sunday, October 27, 2013

Group Communication

My Dear friends,

we are so busy doing our work, even this busy scheduled hours, we can have some time to view each others blogs and delicious pages. Now I think we are doing our best but not collectively. I felt that there is communication gap among us because we are not connected each other. We just see the post on Nicenet, reply and so on. It would be better to know what we are doing now. That is possible if we follow each other on our blog, follow on delicious pages. I started following some of you and knew the activities about what you did. Isn't it good idea?


  1. Tika, I think it is very good you take this issue up. I personally find it impossible to keep track on all of you and even properly a small number of you my great study mates. I have been telling myself that this situation compares to what a teacher of a large webbased study group must be facing and so, there must be ways of tackling the problem. But as I am only learning I do not know of any such ways - does anyone have some examples?

  2. You are right Pauccu, Individual efforts in this learning is impossible because we all see each others post and gather more idea. so we reach in conclusion. I want all the mates should communicate and reach the finding.
